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Updated: Sep 8, 2022

To everyone, in these trying times, I hope you all had a wonderful Easter with your family and friends, and were able to still reach out to those that could not be with you.

I see that the mother nature will not give up on this white stuff, that is starting to become very annoying. Our yard right now is one big mud hole that is very slippery but fun for the grandkids to play in. The puddles are the best, what little boy doesn't like to play in the puddles? This is an all-day past time that these two boys never get tired of. As long as mom and grandma can change the wet boots and wet clothes throughout the day. Between the dogs and the family my floors will not be clean till we are out of this time that we call spring.

Well this week, I am going to talk about my new cook book. I am putting together a ranching cookbook, that will have recipes, pictures, stories and poems. I would love to put in some of your unique stories or poems about ranching, cattle drives, etc.. I will give you credit in my cookbook for your story. It is a book that will include stories of my adventures working cattle with my husband, and helping out when I was cooking in the camps, when I was younger. I would like to include your stories too. This book will have good down home sticking-to-your-ribs kind of recipes. A lot of them are old family recipes, that I have used throughout my time cooking for the cowboys and still use. Along with all the stories and recipes I will also feature my photography.

If you would like to have a story put in, follow this link , this is where you can send me your stories. You can also email me at with the subject line: Stories & Poems.

Don’t forget to sign up for new things that I have coming out.

I will leave you with these quotes.

“Although the skills aren’t hard to learn, finding the happiness and finding the satisfaction and finding fulfillment, in continuous by serving somebody else somethings good to eat what makes a really good restaurant.” - Mario Batali

“Life has a funny way of working out just when you start to believe it never will” - unknown

"Something is in there, I can see it!"

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