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Updated: Sep 8, 2022

Is spring here?….or is mother nature just teasing us? I sure hope not. This evening I, finally, went out for a good ride. I went about 10 kms or so. It was beautiful. The sun was shining down on us I could feel the heat on my back and I sure think that Walker could feel it to. The wind blew gently in our faces. As I was making my way around the trail I could hear all the sounds of spring coming alive, the birds chirping ,the frogs croaking, etc.. Even the heifers that were in the field were feeling pretty darn good, they all came bounding up to see who we were. The curiosity got the better of them.

I sure miss this. It seems like forever since I went out for a good ride. I always come back a different person after a good ride. I sure needed this. I remember when I was young my dad would always say to me,” Barb, go and get your horse and head out for a ride.” I never understood why he would say this to me till I got older.

Just would like to add, I sure feel sad about the Calgary Stampede being cancelled this year. For the past 2 years I was accepted in the Photo gallery which I considered to be a great honor. I was looking forward to see if I was accepted again this year. Even though I know the decision to cancel is the correct one, I will still miss seeing all the hustle of the rides, the rodeo, the midway, the people and of course the gallery, with all the beautiful art work that is shown and for sale. So, until next year, happy stampeding! See you then.

Our evening ride

Don’t forget about your wild crazy cowboying story or poem. I am still looking for more for my cookbook. If you would like to have a story put in, follow this link , this is where you can send me your stories. You can also email me at with the subject line: Stories & Poems.

I will leave you with these quotes:

At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling. – Shanti

Challenge me; Dare me; Or even defy me. But do not underestimate me. For on the back of my horse, anything is possible. – unknown



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